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Breast Health Begins with Prevention

Bombarded with busy schedules, women often overlook their health. But in order to prevent illness it is important to pay attention to your health needs. A report written by the World Cancer Research Fund and the American Institute for Cancer Research states there are three steps that help prevent about 1/3 of cancers:

• Eat a diet rich in plant-based foods. Every day eat at least five servings of a variety of non-starchy vegetables and fruits in an array of colours—red, green, yellow, white, purple and orange. Tomato-based products and allium vegetables such as garlic are also beneficial.

• Maintain a healthy weight. Aim for a Body Mass Index between 21 and 23 and avoid excessive weight gain.

• Exercise regularly. Start simple with 30 minutes of brisk activity every day and gradually increase to 60 minutes of vigorous daily activity. When establishing your exercise regime, work with your healthcare provider to ensure you are progressing at a pace appropriate to your fitness level.

Beyond these recommendations, there are other ways for women to nurture, care for and protect the body:


Speak with your natural healthcare provider about Breast Thermography. This exam measures body tissue heat energy using infrared imaging. Typically, trouble spots in the body often show high temperatures due to increased blood flow and increased metabolic activity. Problems with tissue function can be found with infrared imaging before structural abnormalities are seen on mammograms. Early detection provides the best outcomes. As an added bonus, unlike with mammograms, Breast Thermography requires no squeezing, no pressure or no touching by equipment or a technician.


The rebounder trampoline has been used for years as an effective way to exercise. According to Dr. Sat Dharam Kaur, ND, “rebounding for 10 minutes has the aerobic effect equivalent to playing tennis for 40 minutes or jogging for 30 minutes.” We all know that a rebounder is great physical activity, but its benefits go beyond getting your heart rate up. Rebounding has positive effects on the lymphatic system and has been shown to improve lymphatic circulation.


Studies have shown that certain foods have many health benefits for women. According to researchers at the University of Mississippi, EGCG, found in green tea extracts, may inhibit breast tumour growth in female mice. It also helps prevent premature cellular aging and damage. Some types of breast cancer are triggered by circulating hormones, particularly estrogen. Indole-3-Carbinol (I3C) has been shown to prevent the expression of hormone receptors in human breast cancer cells, preventing the cancer cells from responding to estrogen. I3C, found in broccoli, also helps to support healthy metabolism of estrogen through the liver, reducing the negative impact of excess estradiol and estrone on breast tissue.

Positive Energy

A focus on maintaining positive energy in the body may also play a role in your health. There is a chakra located at the centre of your chest responsible for emotional empowerment. The spiritual lessons associated with this are forgiveness, unconditional love, trust and compassion. Foods that support this chakra are spinach, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, celery, green teas, basil, cilantro and parsley.

Dr. Allison Patton is a Naturopathic Physician and co-founder of Mountainview Wellness Centre specializing in women’s hormone health. For more information or appointments call 604-538-8837 or visit