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The Underlying Causes Of Chronic Pain And Inflammation


Chronic pain and inflammation are conditions that many people suffer from and are the most common reasons for doctor visits. Conventional treatment relies on pharmaceutical anti-inflammatories, either steroid (such as prednisone) or non-steroid (NSAID’s such as naproxen) medications. Without addressing the underlying cause of chronic pain and inflammation, patients may need to depend on these medications long term. Over time, patients may find that the benefits of pharmaceutical antiinflammatories tend to decrease and can have significant side effects on the digestive tract. From a naturopathic medical perspective, there are several major root causes of chronic pain and inflammation evaluate and treat.

Structural Imbalances

Before looking at metabolic or nutritional causes of chronic pain, a structural assessment should be performed by an experienced healthcare practitioner. Structural imbalances or misalignment can be caused by many issues including physical trauma, sports injuries or repetitive strain. There are various techniques to correct structural imbalances including naturopathic, chiropractic, massage or physiotherapy.

Vitamin D Deficiency

Recent research has shown a clear link between vitamin D deficiency in the body and chronic, non-traumatic musculoskeletal pain. As our body only makes significant amounts of vitamin D through unprotected exposure to sunlight, this is especially a concern in the lower mainland due to our low annual availability of sunlight. Blood testing for vitamin D levels and appropriate supplementation is important for those experiencing chronic pain.

Adrenal Insufficiency

The hormone cortisol, produced by our adrenal glands, helps us respond to the demands on our body during times of prolonged stress. Cortisol is also our body’s main anti-inflammatory hormone. Therefore, when cortisol levels drop after patients experience prolonged periods of elevated stress, the result can be chronic pain and inflammation. Salivary cortisol testing by naturopathic physicians is an excellent way to assess a patient’s adrenal status.

Low Thyroid Function

Our thyroid gland produces hormones that control our body’s rate of metabolism. Low thyroid function (or hypothyroidism) is a common condition in women and can be a major trigger of chronic pain. A complete panel of thyroid hormone levels is best for assessing low thyroid function, as the standard blood test (TSH) can miss many cases.


As there can be a combination of underlying issues that trigger chronic pain and inflammation, a thorough naturopathic evaluation can be an excellent option to help identify the main root causes and establish a successful treatment plan.

References: Vazquez, A. The Clinical Importance of Vitamin D Alt Ther. Sept 2004 Vol. 10, No. 5. Wilson, J. Adrenal Fatigue Smart Publications, Petaluma, CA, USA 2001. Shames, R. Thyroid Power Harper Collins, NY, USA 2002.

Dr. Arjuna Veeravagu is a naturopathic physician, registered acupuncturist, and founder of Sage Clinic in Yaletown. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Veeravagu please contact (604) 697- 0397 or